Pizza Hut Delivers

How the leading publisher in Gen Z sports proved their media impact

The Challenge

After closing a significant brand partnership with Pizza Hut, Mars Reel wanted to be sure they delivered what they promised.   They needed to increase brand perceptions and influence consumer shopping decisions in regards to pizza delivery.   To sweeten the deal with Pizza Hut they sold through a Pilotly Brand Lift study at the outset of the campaign.  This would ensure they could deliver a comprehensive report detailing what Pizza Hut had achieved with their media spend.

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The Methodology

Features Used
  • Vertical Video Methodology
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Complex Survey

For this screening we fielded on mobile only using a vertical video presentation to match that of an instagram playback.  A set of viewers of ages between 13-49 were targeted, with a mix of ages 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, and 35-49. A 60-50 male vs. female split was targeted. At least 50% of viewers were required to regularly watch NCAA College Basketball.

The Results

The Pizza Hut Skills Challenge was well received and often raised perceptions of Pizza Hut and intent to order from Pizza Hut.  

  • Male viewers were more likely to highly rate the video and indicate lift in perceptions or intent to order, compared with women

  • Ethnic viewers were more likely to enjoy the video and indicate lift in perceptions or intent to order vs. Caucasian viewers

  • Mars Reel, Bdot, or Max followers most often indicated lift in perceptions or intent to order Pizza Hut

Over half of viewers thought the video connected to the theme of March Madness and / or made them want to order Pizza Hut for their March Madness party.   These are just some of the key insights MarsReel was able to deliver Pizza Hut, wowing their marketing team and further ensuring a long term relationship for future brand work.


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