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Pilotly runs hundreds of studies every year, and each one is slightly unique. Check out some of our common use cases below.

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Brand Lift




Key Art

Marketing Promo & Ads


UX Research

Focus Groups

Brand Lift
Leverage Pilotly's brand lift methodology to get a deep look at how your content and brand impacts audience perceptions. Screen a variety of content to your target audience, including branded integrations and sponsored videos, to optimize content creation, strategy and outcomes. Pilotly’s methodology is flexible and can include either qualitative, quantitative, or a hybrid solution based on your needs.

Screen your new shows securely in high quality while using all of the tools you need to capture meaningful signals from your target audience. Pilotly tests both rough cuts and locked cuts, and can perform multiple-episode binge studies to gauge virality. Real-time sentiment tracking with tune-outs provides valuable insights and can be compared against your own baselines or genre norms.

Safely screen your full feature film to any movie-viewing target audience in the world. Upon video upload, our Content Intelligence Engine breaks your film into scenes and identifies the characters. This helps you understand how viewers feel moment-to-moment about the creative overall, the pacing, characters, as well as their relationships.

Video isn't the only creative Pilotly can deliver insights on. Gather feedback on music, podcasts, audiobooks, and more. Identify key moments, evaluate pacing, and improve your ability to attract and engage listeners by capturing moment-to-moment sentiment across the duration of the experience.

Key Art
Easily test images and titles with your target audience to provide diagnostic insights that can help you identify which image and title combination can work best for your creative. If you plan to place your content within a streaming video platform, leverage our simulated SVOD environment to get a natural read on viewer intent and responses.

Marketing Promo & Ads
Whether a trailer, ad, or other short-form promo, Pilotly can test monodically or place target content in-context to get even more realistic reactions from your target audience(s). Get feedback from viewers who see ads in their natural environment, placed as pre-roll, post-roll, or during an ad break of an actual episode clip.

Pilotly has a variety of methodologies to support concept testing, including quantitative surveying and qualitative focus groups, enabling you to get the feedback you need to support critical decisions within your organization. Pilotly can evaluate single or multiple concepts in a study, quickly turning around results anywhere in the world with your target audiences.

UX Research
Pilotly is the only research platform that can directly evaluate your streaming UX by placing a target audience in a reproduction of your own SVOD experience. By recreating your UX/UI within our research environment, we can track user behavior, assign them tasks, test new features, and gather feedback along the way.

Focus Groups
Pilotly’s ReelChat platform is purpose-built for you to run virtual qualitative focus group studies. Run localized moderated sessions anywhere in the world, with state-of-the-art Dolby streaming technology that includes spatial audio, so participants feel like they are in an actual room with others. ReelChat studies can be run as standalone focus groups or combined with quantitative screening for a hybrid approach.